CCAT Additive
CONNECTICUT Hartford’s Connecticut Center For Advanced Manufacturing trusts Aquest for all things environmental containment and combustible metal dust filtration.

Stanley Black and Decker
Stanley Black and Decker trusts Aquest for all their laser additive manufacturing systems abatement for their 24/7 operations.

PSU Additive Manufacturing
Research and Development additive manufacturing systems are Aquest’s core competency to allow for flexibility and adaptability.

Vulcan Forms
The world’s largest additive manufacturing located in Massachusetts challenged Aquest to provide a complete post processing custom blasting cabinet and wet downdraft finishing systems. Fully […]

Automated Blasting
Aquest supplies properly engineered and installed large to small automated blasting systems.

Robotic Enclosure
Aquest Corporation specializes in the integration of all sizes of robotic enclosures used for laser, coating or additive processing. Not only can we contain the […]

Robotic Fume Hood
An Aquest designed simple robotic fume hood offers our customer in Maine an easy way to capture particulates from their automated robotic welding process.

Robotic Finishing
The engineering and installation staff at Aquest teamed up with Acme Manufacturing to produce a state of the art robotic finishing cell for Norton Abrasives.

Robotic Cold Spray Booth
If your robotic process is loud as well as hazardous a properly sized noise enclosure and abatement system from Aquest might be the appropriate solution. […]