Steel Dust Collector
MASSACHUSETTS AQUEST CORPORATION helped identify a need at a manufacturer of stainless steel forceps, to control hexavalent chromium containing dust produced from grinding and polishing […]

Combustible Metal Dust Collector
CONNECTICUT AQUEST CORPORATION assisted an aerospace components manufacturer in Connecticut in controlling their aluminum (Al) and titanium (Ti) dusts, which have become a target for […]

Metal Dust Collector
MASSACHUSETTS AQUEST CORPORATION has utilized the MicroAir RP-1 Twister to great success at an aerospace parts machining center in Massachusetts. The units were installed to […]

Cold Spray High-Vac Extractor
MASSACHUSETTS AQUEST CORPORATION provided a high-vacuum, closed-loop source extractor system to control highly combustible magnesium powder from a state-of-the-art Cold Spray application located in Massachusetts. […]

Combustible Dust Collector
CONNECTICUT AQUEST CORPORATION provided an efficient, compact and cost-effective dust collector to control combustible dust produced by a premier fishing rod component manufacturer in CT. […]

Shot Peening Dust Collector
AQUEST CORPORATION provided a heavy-duty industrial dust collection system for a specialty metal and high-grade alloy revert management facility. The 15,000 CFM, (36) cartridge dust […]

Furnace Dust Collector
RHODE ISLAND AQUEST CORPORATION provided a MA precious metals refinery with a dust collector to control dust and smoke from several melt furnaces. Aquest designed, […]

Metal Powder Wet Collector
RHODE ISLAND AQUEST CORPORATION provided two (2) state-ofthe-art wet dust collectors for a Rhode Island facility, which processes highly explosive metal powders for the 3D […]

Plastic Dust Collector
VERMONT AQUEST CORPORATION was called upon by a Vermont plastics manufacturer to provide a fully NFPA 654 compliant 16,000 CFM dust collection system. Aquest provided […]