All Featured Projects

Ambient Oil Mist Collector
CONNECTICUT AQUEST CORPORATION helped a Connecticut machining center improve the overall indoor air quality in their facility by providing several ambient oil mist collectors. Aquest […]

Coolant Mist Collection
MASSACHUSETTS AQUEST CORPORATION recently provided a medical device manufacturer with several coolant mist filtration / collection units for their brand new CNC machining centers. The […]

Weld Booth Source Capture
NEW ENGLAND AQUEST CORPORATION provided a New England gas and energy utility provider four (4) weld stations equipped with source capture arms and a cartridge-style […]

Polishing Dust Collector
RHODE ISLAND AQUEST CORPORATION successfully provided rapid design and installation of a twelve (12) cartridge, 20 HP, 8,000 CFM dust collector for a metal plating […]

Cyclo-Filter Dust Collector
PENNSYLVANIA AQUEST CORPORATION provided a Pennsylvania woodworking facility a cyclo-/baghouse-type dust collector system. The system replaced an old baghouse that had completely burned. Aquest’s new […]

Acoustical Enclosure
CONNECTICUT AQUEST CORPORATION constructed two custom acoustical machine enclosures in a confined mechanical room at a facility in CT. The machinery located in the room […]

Shot Peening Dust Collector
AQUEST CORPORATION provided a heavy-duty industrial dust collection system for a specialty metal and high-grade alloy revert management facility. The 15,000 CFM, (36) cartridge dust […]

VTL Oil Mist Collector
AQUEST CORPORATION provided a high-capacity oil mist filtration system including the design and installation of a custom vent hood for a manufacturing facility’s vertical turning […]

Cross Draft Spray Booth
NEW JERSEY AQUEST CORPORATION was awarded a high-profile contract to provide a 20’ wide, 20’ tall, 100’ long spray paint booth by HOLTEC INTERNATIONAL in […]